
Table of Contents


class Assets_write.Client

A client object representing ‘Assets_write’ Service:

import almdrlib

client = almdrlib.client('assets_write')

Available methods:


Creates an asset-group asset.

Delete an existing asset-group asset.

Updates an existing asset-group asset.

Request Syntax

response = client.asset_group(
  • account_id (string) –


    The AIMS account ID whose assets are being accessed. Only valid account IDs are acceptable. Invalid account IDs result in an HTTP 404 Not Found or HTTP 403 Forbidden, depending on the client’s access level.

  • data (dict) –

Return type



Response Syntax


Response Definitions


Declares (creates) a region and a network (an alias for VPC) with relationship to the region and with a claim key.

declare_applications creates a set of assets of type "application" and adds relationships to the target asset, specified by the type and key parameters. If such asset doesn’t exist, then declare_applications returns a HTTP 404 response. Declaring applications overwrites any existing applications of the same scope for that asset. declare_applications returns a HTTP 204 response upon success.

Declares (creates) a deployment (née environment) in assets.

The request must contain the environment’s parameters in a JSON structure with the key items detailed below.

Creates vulnerabilities and remediations and adds relationships to the asset which is vulnerable, specified by the type and key parameters. If such asset doesn’t exist, then declare_vulnerabilities returns a HTTP 404 response. Declaring vulnerabilities overwrites any existing vulnerabilities of the same scope for that asset.

accumulates agents and appliances statistics. The accumulate operation may be called any number of times for the same asset. The updated asset will contain a statistics property with sub-properties for each accumulated statistic. This is intended to record collection statistics based on defined strategy by collection type on agent and appliance assets. Currently, only hourly strategy is supported. Hourly strategy records the last 24 calendar hours.

Note that the response last_hour value is the previous hour, not the current hour value. last_day represents the sum of the all previous hours but the current hour.

Declares access levels for the assets specified. If asset, destination, or any of derives_from assets don’t exist, then declare_access_levels returns an HTTP 404 response.

declare_asset creates or merges an asset and its relationships. declare_asset may be called any number of times for the same asset, with subsets of properties and relationships, and the assets service will merge the data. If a relationship is declared to an asset that doesn’t exist, this asset will not be returned by assets_query until it is declared.

declareproperties [merges properties](#api--merge-properties) with an existing asset. All fields are required, except conditions and create. This operation returns a HTTP/2 201 code on success.

The following algorithm applies when calling declare_properties on a non-existent asset:

  • Apply the operation if the create property in the request body is true

  • Discard the operation if the create property in the request body is false

  • Apply the operation if there is no create property in the request body, but the conditions property is present

  • Discard the operation if both the create and conditions properties are not present in the request body

The following algorithm applies when calling declare_properties on an existing asset:

  • Test conditions against the asset

    • If conditions is not present in the request body, or is present and the value is an empty list, apply the operation

    • if conditions is present and at least one condition is present

      • If all conditions are satisfied, apply the operation

      • If at least one condition is not satisfied, discard the operation and return a 304 status code

      • If, when applying the operation, a version mismatch is hit, retry the operation including the conditions evaluation and resulting behaviours

There are two classes of conditions: presence tests and comparisons. All conditions require property field, which holds the name of the property being tested, and type field, which defines the test to be applied. Comparisons also must provide value field with value to compare existing data to.

The following presence tests are defined:

  • "if-defined" - check whether existing asset has the property being tested

  • "if-undefined" - check whether existing asset doesn’t have that property

Following comparisons are defined:

  • "if-equal" - true if existing asset has the property being tested and its value is equal to the given one

  • "if-not-equal" - true if existing asset’s value of the property being tested is not equal to the given one or existing asset has no such property

  • "if-less" - true if existing asset’s value of the property being tested is less than the given one or existing asset has no such property

  • "if-less-or-equal" - true if existing asset’s value of the property being tested is less than or equal to the given one or existing asset has no such property

  • "if-greater" - true if existing asset’s value of the property being tested is greater than the given one or existing asset has no such property

  • "if-greater-or-equal" - true if existing asset’s value of the property being tested is greater than or equal to the given one or existing asset has no such property

declare_relationships creates or merges relationships for an existing asset. Calling declare_relationships on a non-existent asset will return a 404.

Deletes an existing asset and its relationships.

Deletes multiple existing assets and their relationships.

Completely removes the given properties (or nested properties) from the given asset.

Deletes specific relationships for an existing asset.

Request Syntax

response = client.declare(
  • account_id (string) –


    The AIMS account ID whose assets are being accessed. Only valid account IDs are acceptable. Invalid account IDs result in an HTTP 404 Not Found or HTTP 403 Forbidden, depending on the client’s access level.

  • data (dict) –

  • deployment_id (string) –


    The ID of the deployment source as represented in the deployments service (uppercase UUID).

Return type



Response Syntax


Response Definitions


Declares a list of any combination of declare_asset, declare_properties, remove_properties, remove_relationships, and declare_relationships operations. Batch operations on the same asset with the same scope may be combined into a single operation. Note that you should avoid batching operations that could result in different outcomes if applied in a different order, for instance, you must not declare and remove the same properties or relationships in different operations on the same asset in the same batch. Currently, the API may accept it but in the future this behavior will be rejected.

Request Syntax

response = client.declare_batch(
  • account_id (string) –


    The AIMS account ID whose assets are being accessed. Only valid account IDs are acceptable. Invalid account IDs result in an HTTP 404 Not Found or HTTP 403 Forbidden, depending on the client’s access level.

  • deployment_id (string) –


    The ID of the deployment source as represented in the deployments service (uppercase UUID).

  • operation (string) –


    This must be batch_declare.

    Valid values: batch_declare

  • operations (list) –


    Any combination of declare_asset, declare_properties, remove_properties, remove_relationships, and declare_relationships operations. Batch operations on the same asset with the same scope may be combined into a single operation. Note that you should avoid batching operations that could result in different outcomes if applied in a different order, for instance, you must not declare and remove the same properties or relationships in different operations on the same asset in the same batch. Currently, the API may accept it but in the future this behavior will be rejected.

    • (dict) –

  • transaction (boolean) – If batch declare is issued with transaction flag enabled all operations run sequentially and the batch will fail (abort on spot) as soon as any of the declares is unsuccessful. No rollback is performed. For operations that failed “not executed” error will be returned (see example). Default: false.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'return_values': [
            'code': 'integer',
            'value': {}

Response Definitions

  • return_values (list) –

    • (dict) –

      • code (integer) –

        HTML response code (e.g. 201, 400, 404, 413)

      • value (dict) –

        The operation resulting object (e.g Declare Asset response)